My ECP class is always a challenge to create art lessons for. The students range in disabilities from visually impaired, varying degrees of autism and Down's Syndrome. I work very closely with the ECP teacher to plan lessons that reinforce what they're learning in their regular classroom. Earlier this month they were learning about geometric shapes. Their teacher told me they were finger tracing shapes to help with recognition.

I had them use craft sticks to make various shapes on a large sheet of paper. They had to pick the shapes and be able to name them to make them. After we glued them down, I let them paint the whole paper. Some were very abstract looking and some tried to make it a recognizable picture.
They really like to paint. That's always fun...at least until I get phone calls from angry parents, lol. Somehow, even using art smocks, kids still manage to get paint all over the place.

We also used small colored tiles to help decorate our shape designs. It's a little hard to see all the detail after the paint was added but they still turned out nice.
After we get these matted and possibly framed they will make fine additions to the hallway display or maybe even our upcoming art show.
We started working on 3D shapes the last week or so using paper mache. They are painting their forms and will be decorating them further with stickers
Their teacher wants them to have larger shapes that they made and can manipulate with their hands.