Monday, February 13, 2012

Keeping it Real!

This is for my loyal followers who have been demanding that great Elementary Art classic, finger painting.  Yes, we do finger paint on occasion.  What I like to do is spread out a few large sheets of bulletin board paper and let the kids go to town.  

This is a little sampler of my kindergartner's creations.  By the end of the day it was completely covered.  I'll get some pics of the finished product, but I thought it looked nice and clean at this point.  


  1. it'll be great to see the finished product :)

  2. I always enjoyed finger painting when I was really little. I battled to master control of a paintbrush, maybe I was too ambitious for a 4 year old! Finger paints were a great way of expressing myself without worrying about the brushstrokes being perfect! Nice work! :)

  3. Really cute pics XD.
