Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Price of Art

I noticed that our classroom scrap box was starting to overflow.  When a student is cleaning up they will throw their left over scraps in a big box.  When we do projects, I have them use the scrap box for construction paper to save on the new stuff.  

Before class starts.

After the stampede.

Here they are using their found materials to create their various ideas.  There were clowns, insects, monsters, spaceships, and various other unidentifiable designs.  Sorry I didn't get pics of the final creations, but at this point it was almost time to go and they had a lot of cleaning to do, lol.  I don't let anyone leave the room until their messes are picked up.

Even after letting all my classes use the scrap box, it still looked full.  I guess I need to let them do this kind of thing more often.  They seem to enjoy it.  We're hopefully going to be starting the paper mache projects soon.  I'm trying to get done with the 4th graders lighthouse projects first.  They take up so much room for storage, I have no room for anything else.

Most of the lighthouses are ready to paint.  The kids have been bringing rocks, tiny seashells, etc., to add after the paint has been applied.  It's been taking longer then I thought it would to do, but they had 9 weeks to finish the project for their classroom teacher.  
Alright, back to lesson plans, lol.


  1. Lighthouses seem to be coming along great and yeah so much fun can come out of just the scrapes, although quite the mess.

  2. I can't wait to see the end result of the lighthouses! What a neat project. I never got to do anything like that in elementary school. I remember doing paper mache masks in middle school, but that was about the extent of my paper mache experience.

  3. That's awesome. Seems children like more hands on assignments anyways. They may intentionally fill the scrap box to get more projects!!

    Check Out

  4. its a nice mess.
    and lighthouse is coming along fine :)

  5. Dear Mr. Otter,

    Congratulations, you have have won an award! For more information, click here:

    Kind regards,
    Barefoot Girl! :)

  6. hah that's a really good idea - using teh scraps to make stuff.
